Alternative Technologies for a Climate Change Resilient India - Seeker's Thoughts

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Alternative Technologies for a Climate Change Resilient India

Alternative Technologies for a climate change resilient India





Alternative Technologies for a Climate Change Resilient India


The 11th OneSouthAsia Conversation  focussed on alternative technologies for climate change resilience in India. It  brough together innovators delivering emerging solutions in key areas:


Climate change will wreak havoc on agricultural production, leading to extreme weather events that severely diminish crop yield. New technologies like Nalla Bunds and Anicuts as well as greenhouse agriculture can ensure reliable supplies of water for crop irrigation purposes.


However, India has to focus on the following areas, in order to tackle the climate change:


1. Solar Energy


Solar energy can be harnessed to produce renewable or "green" energy in several ways. Photovoltaic cells - commonly referred to as solar panels - use semiconductor materials that absorb solar rays and release electrons through metal contacts at both ends of each PV cell, producing electricity which can power appliances or homes. 


Large-scale solar power plants use concentrated solar thermal technology, which captures sunlight then stores its heat in a storage system before using it when needed to generate power when needed.


Solar energy offers India an eco-friendly solution to its energy needs while mitigating climate change. Research by Project Drawdown, an initiative dedicated to increasing adoption of solutions that slow or reverse global climate change, found that switching to solar energy from fossil fuels significantly reduced greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution levels.


Solar energy can also help India increase the productivity of its agriculture by creating energy-efficient irrigation systems for crops such as cotton and brinjal that depend on monsoon rains for sustenance; replacing diesel-powered pumps in rural communities; and, eventually, exploring alternative forms of power such as wind energy, ocean thermal energy or tidal power as longer term solutions.


2. Greenhouse Technology


Man has long struggled to cultivate crops under adverse climate conditions, creating greenhouses as technical methods of growing plants to ensure viability of his harvests.


Greenhouses provide farmers with an ideal environment for cultivating food in which temperature, humidity, light levels and pests can all be managed easily. First seen in Holland and England during the 17th century, greenhouses have only become widely popular since thanks to modern advances.


Modern greenhouse structures typically employ ventilation systems that automatically regulate temperature, humidity and air movement based on online measurements. Furthermore, modern greenhouse structures use evaporative cooling technologies that help keep their climate controlled while pushing hot air outside through vents, as well as fogging/misting systems to add additional humidity into the structure.


The greenhouse effect increases photosynthesis in plants by increasing carbon dioxide concentration around them, leading to an increase in photosynthesis and yield of crops grown there. Furthermore, greenhouses offer safer, more nutritious produce due to less harmful chemicals used such as pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides in their cultivation process.


As wealthy nations implement less costly forms of alternative energy, they should make investments in greenhouse technology for developing countries to help protect against climate catastrophe. This would allow these nations to combat global warming while still providing their people with adequate standards of living.


3. Water Conservation


Water is essential to life, yet climate change threatens its availability globally. Contaminated drinking water has been identified as one of the primary causes of infant deaths under five years old; rising sea levels pose threats to freshwater sources relied upon by millions of people worldwide.


There are numerous strategies available to us for conserving water. These include harvesting rainwater (with rooftop capture for households, surface dams to reduce flood risks, and aquifer recharge); employing climate-smart agriculture practices (e.g. improving organic matter to increase soil moisture retention and drip irrigation); minimizing postharvest losses, turning food waste into biofuels or biogas production, or recycling regulated wastewater as sources.


Bhungroo's technology also enhances soil fertility, which in turn reduces desertification and makes agriculture more resilient against climate change and drought. Bhungroo is owned and run by ultra-poor women farmers under management by Naireeta Services who train and empower them to utilize and monitor this technology.


Water conservation can also help lower energy consumption, as generating electricity to heat water requires fossil fuels which emit pollution, helping reduce greenhouse gas emissions and greenhouse gas emissions. The UN Sustainable Development Goal 6 targets energy reduction through increasing renewable energies and efficient water management; individuals can make their impact felt by switching to LED or solar lights, using jute bags instead of plastic ones and visiting restaurants which use paper plates and cups; at societal level this includes participating in developing climate resilient villages together with community participation initiatives.


4. Waste Management


As countries worldwide experience limited natural resources, pollution and environmental degradation, countries are taking steps to combat climate change and lessen their reliance on fossil fuels. Alternative energy sources like solar, wind, hydroelectric power and biomass are being explored as sustainable energy alternatives; energy-saving technologies like smart grids and electric vehicles may help save both energy costs and the planet.


Climate change has numerous negative repercussions for human health, such as heat related illnesses and deaths, increased malnutrition among children, and rising infectious diseases. To combat these impacts, innovative solutions such as air conditioning or keeping spaces cool may help mitigate climate change.


Alternative technologies for creating a climate change-resilient India include agricultural innovations that address the effects of rising temperatures on food production. Farmers are being encouraged to adopt crop varieties that are more resistant to heat and drought stressors such as GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) varieties which are resistant to certain diseases as well as environmental stresses like drought.


Climate-resilient technologies like soil carbon sequestration, water conservation and increasing irrigation efficiency can both protect the environment while increasing yields. Maharashtra's Climate Resilient Village Program was initiated to implement such practices across communities by supporting smallholder farmers as part of Farmer Producer Organizations or engaging them with value chains for crops relevant to climate initiatives.


1 comment:

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