Many sex-trafficking rings have shifted to the suburbs where there is lesser scrutiny. There are raids, but these are few and far between.
Moreover, there is no proper mechanism for their
rehabilitation, particularly when those rescued are from out of the State.
These women end up being forced back to prostitution.
“According to the National Crime Records Bureau,
which last released the 2016 crime statistics, there were 1,100 cases of
trafficking involving 2,712 victims and 3,921 persons were arrested between
2014 and 2016.
Nearly a quarter of the victims were children,
while an overwhelming 80% of victims were women, suggesting the existence of a
well-entrenched inter-State prostitution racket.”
Human Trafficking around the globe
A Global Report on Trafficking in Persons launched by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) provided new information on a crime.
According to the report, the most common form of
human trafficking (79%) is sexual exploitation. The victims of sexual
exploitation are predominantly women and girls.
Surprisingly, in 30% of the countries which provided
information on the gender of traffickers, women make up the largest proportion
of traffickers. In some parts of the world, women trafficking women is the
“The Global Slavery Index 2018 estimates that on any given day in 2016 there were nearly 8
million people living in “modern slavery” in India.
Among 167 countries, India ranked 53 with North Korea at
the top of the list with 104.6 per 1,000; the government has strongly contested
the claim on grounds that its parameter was poorly defined.”
Slavery still exists: Modern Slavery
Modern slavery refers to situations where one person has taken away another person’s freedom- their freedom to control their body, their freedom to choose to refuse certain work or to stop working- so that they can be exploited.
Freedom is taken away by threats, violence, coercion, abuse of power and
Modern slavery is a plain English term. It is not a legal definition.
Different countries use different legal technologies, but “modern slavery” includes the crimes of human trafficking, slavery and slavery-like practices such as servitude, forced labor, forced or servile marriage, the sale, and exploitation of children, and debt bondage.
Therefore, it is understood that Slavery is an
extreme form of inequality and exists within a competing matrix of political,
economic, societal, cultural and religious pressure. Modern slavery is bound to
some of the most complex issue facing around the world.
Why does Sexual Exploitation Exist?
Several cultures are thought to have had more
female slaves than male slaves. Enslaved women are given many tasks and one of
the most common was working as a domestic servant.
Some female slaves were forced to become sex
workers: not prostitute, as this is “forbidden in religion”, but concubines.
Concubines were women who were sexually available to their master, but not
married to him. Where a man could have as many concubines as he could
Being a concubine did have some benefits: if a
slave woman gave birth to her owner’s child, her status improved dramatically-
she could not be sold or given away, and when her owner died she became free.
The child was also free and would inherit from
their father as any other children. Concubinage was not prostituted in the
commercial sense both because that was explicitly forbidden and because only
the owner could legitimate have sex with a female; anyone else who has sex with
her was guilty of fornication.
Therefore, the cultural pride in having sex with
more women has increased the problem in society, where the girls have marked
clearly as ‘sex objects’.
Even though the United Nations is committed to
fighting against slavery and considers bonded labor, forced labor, the worst
forms of child labor and trafficking people as modern forms of slavery, but
there is not a higher hope for it.
These types of slavery are global problems and go
against article four of the universal declaration of human rights, which states
that “no one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade
shall be prohibited in all their forms.
Not only that, there is an International Day
for the Abolition of Slavery, 2 December, marks the date of adoption by United
Nation General Assembly, convention for the suppression of the Traffic in
Persons and of the exploitation of the prostitution of others (resolution
317(IV) of 2 December 1940).
However, internally, the economically weaker
section remains the target.
The focus of this day is on eradication
contemporary forms of slavery such as trafficking in persons, sexual
exploitation, and the worst forms of child labor, forced marriage, and the
forced recruitment of children for use in armed conflict.
Labour Victims have illegal Profit
According to the International Labour Organization,
there are currently an estimated 21 million forced labor victims worldwide,
creating US150$ billion in illegal profits in the private economy each year.
ILO has adopted a new legally binding Protocol
designed to strengthen global efforts to eliminate forced labor, which is set
to enter into force in November 2016.
A way ahead
There is a need to focus on capturing and
prosecuting the criminals, worldwide governments should focus on addressing the
root cause of such activities.
The government should stop the penalization of
trafficking victims such as restrictions on their travel and increase effective
prosecution and convictions for all forms of trafficking.
There is an urgent need of having more
implementation and rehabilitation of victims. The psychological and social
support should be provided.
To achieve sustainable development goals, countries
should get rid of all form of slavery. Each and every sector human should get
human rights, therefore It is high time that the people around the world should
get aware of their rights in order to make the world a better place to live
The Social Pressure That Leads Girls Into Prostitution
Prostitutes are individuals who sell their bodies for a fee in exchange
for payment, also known as hookers, gigolos or escorts. Sex workers who make a
living by selling their bodies report feeling proud to do their work and having
earned social value; many also feel an obligation to support their families
financially through selling themselves as prostitutes.
Poverty is one of the primary drivers of prostitution worldwide. Without
enough jobs and housing options available to them, poor people become
susceptible to sexual exploitation that can lead to mental health problems like
depression, anxiety and addiction. Furthermore, finding good-paying jobs
without sufficient education and training is difficult; many women who engage
in transactional sex or depend on pimps feel stigmatized by society which
further diminishes self-esteem and confidence levels.
Prostitutes tend to be victims of childhood sexual abuse and physical
violence on the job, making forming healthy relationships difficult for them;
this may especially be true of children abused by their fathers or stepfathers;
this trauma often leaves victims feeling powerless and worthless, leading them
into the sex industry later on in life.
As girls and women turn to prostitution as an attempt to survive, many
turn to it in desperation in order to make money. Some women are forced into
the business while others choose it willingly; many girls may even be sold into
prostitution by their family or trafficked from remote villages into cities for
this purpose - often at great personal cost including physical and emotional
abuse as well as risk from HIV.
One of the major causes for girls and women becoming prostitutes is
poverty, lack of education, drugs and alcohol abuse and domestic violence. But
most can leave this path with some assistance: not only through social services
and sex education offered by workers' organizations but also from family and
friends as they develop skills that enable independence while building
Human trafficking remains an international threat despite laws being in
place to combat it, with poor infrastructures making many countries
susceptible. Countries must invest in social protection programs like 24-hour
hotlines, counseling and shelter care for prostitutes as a preventative measure
against potential human trafficking cases. Counseling has proven its
effectiveness by improving lives of prostitutes while decreasing vulnerability
to sexual exploitation - ultimately the solution lies with improving economic
development in poor communities.
Prostitution is a serious social problem associated with poverty that
involves trading sexual favors for money. Recognized as sexual exploitation by
the United Nations, its practice endangers prostitutes' health by placing them
at risk of HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases; furthermore
they face being sexually exploited or assaulted by clients; this form of
exploitation has generated wide public outrage, prompting numerous countries to
ban it altogether.
Prostitution draws women for various reasons; one theory suggests it
reflects economic inequality: poor women may turn to prostitution because other
jobs are unavailable and therefore, prostitution serves a function in society
while not one we endorse; this idea stems from conflict theory which suggests
the economic gap between rich and poor can cause them to act out in certain
Prostitution may provide women with an alternative to marriage. Although
this can be seen as noble goal, this has also increased divorces while leaving
women feeling depressed, alienated from family relationships and less
self-confident - factors which may contribute to drug addiction or loss of
Studies on prostitutes have revealed that many are from less-than-ideal
backgrounds and lack an education, often suffering abuse and neglect as children;
many have had to abandon their own children, while some have also dealt with
death of spouse or family member and this drives many into prostitution as an
Recently in the US, several states have passed laws decriminalizing
prostitution, with Rhode Island repealing its loitering law and only punishing
prostitution within indoor spaces. Furthermore, several UN agencies have
advocated for decriminalisation of pimping, procuring, and operating brothels.
Prostitution is compounded by gender discrimination and global poverty;
women from disadvantaged backgrounds such as migrants, refugees, war victims or
victims of natural disasters tend to be overrepresented among prostitution
Lack of education
Prostitution may have become legalized in some countries, yet it remains
an extremely dangerous business with sometimes fatal repercussions.
Prostitution also contributes to neighborhood blight, drug abuse and spread of
infectious diseases; young women entering prostitution as teenagers often spend
their entire adult lives engaging in this illegal practice and are sometimes
exploited or exploiters themselves abuse them further - according to one report
by Prostitutes Education Network 70% of prostitutes reported being raped at
some point during their career!
Most of these girls come from low-income households, and as a result are
often unable to gain employment elsewhere or receive adequate education; making
them easy targets for sexual exploitation. Children in particular can be
especially susceptible to abuse because they may lack awareness of their rights
or how to report abusers; many are abandoned by their parents and become
homeless, becoming easy targets for pimps and traffickers who promise them work
and money.
Lack of education is one of the primary contributors to child
prostitution. Girls from impoverished homes may lack access to higher education
or gain well-paying jobs; as a result, corrupt authorities easily manipulate
these girls into selling their bodies for cash; further risking HIV infection
in doing so.
Some girls choose prostituting due to a belief that it will bring them
wealth and respect - this sentiment often stems from cultural norms that
encourage sexual workers to behave dangerously in order to secure work.
Even though prostitution can have detrimental effects, some argue that
decriminalizing it would increase government revenue and decrease costs
associated with criminal justice systems - potentially decreasing these burdens
on society as a whole. Furthermore, decriminalization could help decrease cases
of STDs like gonorrhea and herpes by encouraging condom use among prostitutes.
Prostitution serves many valuable functions in society despite its
detrimental consequences, including providing poor women with no other
employment options a source of income and offering sexual alternatives for
married men who do not enjoy enough sex life with their partners.
Unfortunately, however, these benefits aren't enough to stop many from becoming
prostitutes themselves.
Social pressure
Social pressure that drives girls into prostitution is often
multifaceted and multidimensional. It typically stems from poverty, family
dysfunction and drug use - often encouraged by family members - with
prostituting seen as an excellent way to earn extra cash or avoid financial
strain - yet many become victims of violence and physical abuse at the hands of
However, other factors may push women into the sex trade, such as peer
pressure and the desire for fast cash. Researchers interviewed 28 pimps and
discovered their typical business included between two and 36 employees -
including non-sex employees such as drivers, bodyguards, nannies caring for
children and ad distributors - including drivers, bodyguards, drivers/bodyguards/nannies
as well as distributors of ads and drivers/bodyguards to transport clients
around. Pimps often recruit minors whom they feel can be more easily controlled
or work harder towards making more money - something pimps are adept at doing.
Though sex work is illegal in most countries, it may be tolerated in
certain places. Individuals engaging in this profession must abide by certain
rules, such as obtaining a health check prior to engaging in sexual activity
and some countries even regulate the profession to protect customers against
sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Unfortunately, however, such regulations
are sometimes exploited by buyers who demand services without meeting with
clients face-to-face or disregard their privacy.
Social stigma surrounding sex work makes it harder for women to escape
its grasp, according to a new report. Sex work is increasingly being used as a
form of control and oppression; some women may even be coerced into
participating against their will in this trade.
Even though society pressures women into becoming prostitutes, most do
not follow this lifestyle path. Of those who do enter this industry only 2
percent are streetwalkers, with some studies noting high rates of child abuse
among streetwalkers while other studies found similar background
characteristics to non-prostitutes.
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