Understanding the Crisis of Sri Lanka - Seeker's Thoughts

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Understanding the Crisis of Sri Lanka

The Conflict 
The Supreme Court of Sri Lanka in December 2018 said that the President’s Maithripala Sirisena’s move in November 2018 for dissolving Parliament and calling for snap polls was illegal. 

The conflict happened during October 2018 between the president and the Prime Minister.  On October 26, the President Mr. Sirisena dismissed the Prime Minister Ranil Wickremsinghe, and appointed the former President Mahinda Rajapaksha in his place.
Ranil Wickremsinghe 
image source- https://upload.wikimedia.org
However, before it there were a series of events where legistlature engaged in squabbling in Parliament, and attacked the speaker, police personnel with Parliamentary equipment. Even, there were accusation of attacking the opponent with water mixed with chili powder.
President Maithipala Sirisena
image source- https://www.thefamouspeople.com/

There are three main people- President Maithipala Sirisena, former president Mahinda Rajapaksa and Prime Miniser Ranil Wickremesinghe.  There are two political parties involved – the first is- SLFP – Sri Lanka Freedom Party and United National Party (UNP). Sirisena and Rajapaksa are from SLFP while Wickremsinghe is from United National Party(UNP).

Wickremesinghe’s United National Party (UNP) together with the country’s Tamil and Muslim minorities voted for Sirisena, who made Wickremesinghe his prime minister. However, two could not get along. There was massive corruption in Wickremsinghe’s henchmen, and it increased tension.

The event sparked biggest political crisis in Srilankan history since the civil war has ended in 2008.  The island nation did not have any legitimate government or cabinet, and due to these instable events the economy which is largely depending upon tourism has faced a low. On 3rd December there was an appeal in court to restrain the acting Prime Minister. Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe was sworn as a Prime Minister after being sacked in October 2018.

Ranil Wickremsinghe belongs to United Naional Party, and came back to power after the order of the Supreme Court.  In temporary period when the power tussle was going one – the Prime Minister ‘s office was handled by Mahinda Rajapaksa, and he resigned after court’s order.