Ocean-related industries like shipping, tourism, fisheries, marine transportation and freight contribute a substantial share of world GDP while simultaneously helping reduce human impacts and enhance climate resilience.

Source- https://cdnext.credit-suisse.com

Concerns have been expressed that certain industries could become too dependent on natural resources, leading to unsustainable exploitation of marine resources and biodiversity loss.
What is the Blue Economy?
The Blue Economy refers to all economic activities centered on oceans, seas and coastal regions, from traditional industries like fisheries and tourism to newer industries like renewable energy production offshore renewable energy production marine science carbon sequestration biotechnology biotechnology and more. It encompasses traditional sectors like fisheries tourism maritime transport as well as newer ones like offshore renewable energy production marine science carbon sequestration biotechnology etc. In its broadest sense the Blue Economy encompasses all economic activity that relies upon oceans seas or coastal environments such as fisheries tourism nautical transport as well as new industries like renewable energy production offshore renewable energy production marine science carbon sequestration biotechnology etc - ultimately it promotes sustainable development while strengthening vulnerable communities over the long run.
Even though our world ocean contributes as much as $2.5 trillion each year to global GDP and would rank seventh if it were a country, its marine ecosystems are under strain. Overfishing, climate change, pollution and rising sea levels threaten human livelihoods, biodiversity and the role it plays as an ecosystem-scale carbon sink. A shift away from extractive practices toward more sustainable, resilient blue economies is urgently required.
International declarations and conventions have strengthened the connection between Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Blue Economy. But success will only come about through coordinated goals and actions across economic sectors - this is why cities and regions with their strong levers - land use planning, spatial planning, waste management as well as pollution prevention are crucial in realising its full potential.
In 2019, millions of tonnes of plastic leaked into rivers, lakes and the ocean, killing and injuring animals as well as polluting food supplies and hindering vital marine life growth. The Blue Economy seeks to reverse this situation and build a better future for us all.
How can the Blue Economy boost sustainable development and environmental protection?
Current marine economies based on extractive resource extraction like fishing, shipping and mineral mining often fail to consider their impacts on ocean ecosystems - leading to biodiversity loss and acidification which has devastating repercussions for global food security, human health and the ocean's role as a carbon sink. As an alternative, Blue Economy embraces economic growth that is sustainable without harming other sectors or species.
To unlock the potential of the Blue Economy, nations should adopt a comprehensive approach to ocean governance and invest in sustainable development and environmental protection. This involves setting sustainable development goals, encouraging innovation through supporting research programs, creating stronger partnerships and capacities at local, national, and international levels and encouraging innovative financing mechanisms.
Responsible development of ocean renewable energy presents numerous challenges. To do this, an assessment must take into account impacts on marine life and ecosystems such as acoustic impacts on marine mammals, risk to whales or other species that become entangled with turbine blades of tidal power turbines, or fish habitat effects from offshore wind farms rotors. PNNL researchers are engaged in various projects designed to address these concerns: developing marine hydrogen fuel, testing underwater robots for defense purposes and evaluating new technologies that capture and store carbon dioxide from seawater environments.
Given that much of the world's oceans lie outside of individual countries' exclusive economic zones and only a fraction are being managed today, improving ocean regulations is of vital importance. To do this effectively will require strengthening global governance structures and implementing international agreements such as UNCLOS; Port State Measures Agreement to combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing in international waters; as well as International Maritime Organization rules on global shipping.
What are the challenges and opportunities of the Blue Economy in the post-pandemic world?
The global Blue Economy encompasses various approaches that aim to develop economic activities that reduce human impact on the environment, with pollution reduction as its goal and making the planet a better place for humans and other forms of life to live on. Adopting more eco-friendly practices of production, consumption and waste disposal requires dedication from governments, organizations, businesses and individuals alike - an effort which may take form through commitments of all types ranging from governments, organizations, companies and individuals themselves.
Innovation and technology play a vital role in reaching this goal, including renewable energy, smart shipping and sustainable fisheries. However, to identify the most promising innovation opportunities requires foresight and horizon scanning - an analytical process that helps organizations anticipate future trends that might impact on their business by reviewing current and past data as well as employing various analytical and participatory tools to assess emerging opportunities.
PNNL scientists are working with international science partners to explore the potential of ocean renewable energy (wave and tidal energies), environmental monitoring, seawater mineral extraction, marine hydrogen fuel production and more. Furthermore, they study their impacts on marine mammals as well as whales or other marine creatures becoming entangled in mooring lines or struck by turbine blades of marine renewables.
Blue Economy alliances and hubs around the globe are actively driving innovation in coastal and ocean observation, sustainable aquaculture and fisheries production, carbon sequestration, clean energy development, green shipping practices and more - initiatives which aim to ensure ocean ecosystems can continue thriving for future generations.
What are the role of innovation and technology in advancing the Blue Economy?
The Blue Economy can promote sustainable development and environmental protection through economic opportunities in marine environments, while at the same time protecting them. Implementation can be challenging however; success requires strong commitment to innovation and technology. For instance, to use existing resources efficiently without increasing costs for companies or consumers, Blue Economy needs to promote efficient consumption patterns that maximize available resources efficiently without increasing costs; it must also address environmental threats like marine transportation wastes and microplastic pollution that threaten aquatic environments.
To promote the adoption of blue economy technologies, countries must create an accommodating policy and regulatory environment. This means setting clear priorities for research and development, encouraging the private sector to innovate, providing funding for research and development as well as investing in infrastructure like port facilities and maritime energy networks; all of this will enhance access to resources as well as increase competitiveness of their industries.
Additionally, the government should pursue an integrated approach to marine development and promote cooperation between public and private sectors, in order to foster new technological advances while mitigating unintended consequences such as habitat destruction. Furthermore, alternative fuels should be utilized and greener business practices encouraged.
Government should encourage sustainable marine development by creating and implementing a national ocean policy, encouraging innovative businesses and driving the creation of technologies for exploiting marine resources.
PNNL scientists are engaged in numerous critical marine development technologies. Our experts are exploring the impact of marine renewable energy on fish and marine mammals; assessing acoustic effects, whale entanglements in mooring lines, and turbine blade strikes on fish; while testing emerging technologies that capture carbon dioxide from ocean environments to help combat global climate change.
What are the potential of the Blue Economy for creating jobs and enhancing livelihoods?
As ocean-based industries flourish, so too do employment opportunities. The Blue Economy can create jobs and bolster livelihoods in coastal communities through marine transportation and ports, maritime tourism, seafood processing and processing plants as well as energy sources like offshore wind or tidal/wave power. Furthermore, scientists are investigating ways marine biotechnology may benefit cosmetics (anti-age moisturizers), animal feed biofuels food flavoring biofertilizers biofertilizers building materials.
However, it is critical to recognize the balance between Blue Economy potential and environmental conservation needs and conservation initiatives. Furthermore, its sustainability must promote equitable development and reduce inequality; this is particularly crucial for small island states with vast ocean resources to leverage for economic development, unemployment and poverty issues as well as food insecurity issues.
At present, several countries are undertaking Blue Economy initiatives and projects, including building marine infrastructure, creating marine-based economic development strategies and supporting ocean science education and science outreach efforts. Numerous organizations are working on new financing tools for the Blue Economy, such as the Ocean Finance Initiative. This market-first practical toolkit offers guidance for financial institutions wishing to shift investments towards sustainable ocean economies. Guidance provided by this advisory includes five ocean sectors chosen due to their strong connections with private finance -- maritime transportation, port facilities, fishing and offshore wind -- as well as an overview of associated risks and opportunities.