in Politics

The money could not be retained
by the developing nations as due to corrupt and criminals into system there
remains a silent support to money launders, tax evaders etc. Criminal politicians
misused their powers in countries and people stop believing in system – that again
is not a healthy indication for society.
When it comes to criminals, India
holds significant number of legislators, lawmakers and politicians who have severe charges
of crime against them.
Across India there is a well
developed Nexus between crime and politics. One- Third of the national legislators face at
least one ongoing criminal case. There
are various Politicians who have severe charges like kidnapping, attempted
murder, banditry, rape etc. In states politicians are even given charges of Prison Ministry, so it is evident that
what happens when criminals join the politics.
A look
back to trace
The association between crime and
electoral politics dates back to the early pre - independence years when
political parties would strike deals with strongmen or goondas.
Gradually criminals started
moving to centre stage instead of working for politicians they started joining
the politics.
In 1984, reports suggest around 8
percent of UP state – level politicians faced severe charges while that time
people were scared to complaint. In 2010, the criminal politician’s share increased more
than 5 times.
People often find it rational to
vote for criminal politicians due to fear and for their selfish motives.
The rule of law is weak and
social divisions as caste, ethnicity, and religious differences run deep. Candidates use their crimes as honor
and being brave against other communities sometimes, these criminals are even seen as heroes because they commit crime against the different community which helps them in getting popularity and votes.
The benefits of being with these strongmen are far more
higher than the support received from the government or from the law
enforcement agencies.
Constitutional Provision and Politicians
Under the RPA or Representation of the People Act, convicted
lawmakers are disqualified not accused ones. The court interprets the law, makes
the law. Being criminals in the Parliament .
These Parliamentarians have right to make laws under Article 102(1)(e) , while court can ask Parliament to make the law.
The Indian Supreme Court has also given its verdict on criminals joining the politics that Parliament should frame laws barring candidates accused of crimes from contesting election.
Political parties have to display the criminal record of candidates who contest on their ticket on their official website.
Parties should also issue a declaration on the criminal antecedents of their candidates in a widely circulated publication.
To facilitate the transparency by the political parties, candidates should first give complete information about their criminal past or pending cases to political parties on whose ticket they intend to contest elections. This will give voters an informed choice and to protect culture and purity of politics.
There is an urgent need to clean the politics and act against criminals because criminals are liability on the country and proven to be regressive. The regret is that the number of criminals joining the politics has been growing. Supreme court has refused to legislate and add a disqualification as law making body in India in not the Supreme court but the Parliament.
The bill related to setting up speedy courts for trials for MPS and MLAs was introduced which was heavily opposed by the National Party which is not in rule. They advocated that MPs also have a right to get justice like normal citizen. Politicians would play such obstacle as most of the politicians are somewhere connected too goons and to their support.