Diabetes and Gut Bacteria Connection - Seeker's Thoughts

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Diabetes and Gut Bacteria Connection

Introduction -The gastrointestinal tract (digestive tract, digestion tract, GI tract, GIT, gut, or alimentary canal) is an organ system within humans and other animals which takes in food, digests it to extract and absorb energy and nutrients and expels the remaining waste as feces

New research found that Gut bacteria may guard against diabetes that comes with aging

According to researchers report in Science Translational Medicine. Old mice have less Akkermansia muciniphila bacteria the young mice do, that loss triggers inflammation, which eventually leads cells to ignore signals from the hormone insulin. Such disregard for insulin’s message to take in glucose is known as insulin resistance and is a hallmark of type 2 diabetes.

What are Akkermansia muciniphila bacteria?
Akkermansia muciniphila is a species of human intestinal mucin-degrading bacterium, the type species for a new genus, Akkermansia, proposed in 2004 by Muriel Derrien and others. Extensive research is being undertaken to understand the association with obesity, diabetes, and inflammation.

What exactly the researchers have found?
Researchers have suspected that bacteria and other microbes in the gut are involved in aging, but how the microbes influence the process hasn’t been clear.  The mice lose A.muciniphila, also called Akk and friendly microbes that help break down dietary fibre into short-chain fatty acids, such as butyrate and acetate. Those fatty acids signal bacteria and human cells to perform certain functions.

Treating old mice and elderly rhesus macaques with an antibiotic called enrofloxacin increased the abundance of AKK in the animal’s guts and made cells respond to insulin again. Giving old animal’s butyrate had the same effect, suggesting that there may be multiple ways to head off insulin resistance in other people in the future.

Gut bacteria previous researches regarding mood
   Can there be a connection between guts and moods? 

Moods can come from within and emotions are part of the human mind. However, the bacteria which live in guts impact the brain though it does not impact upon the visuals. Yet it can send a signal to the brain related to morality and fear, emotions and social behaviour.  

It also makes sense people who have Irritable bowel syndromes- tend to get more depressed.  If people worry too much they should see their diet and health of their gut bacteria. More research is needed in this field.

Understanding bacteria- Cleaning all bacteria is not a good thing. Some bacteria help cleaning, put on weight and being courageous and happier. Having good bacteria and some bad will create a balance as killing all bacteria creates more allergies among humans.

Mental Health and Gut Bacteria- The gut bacteria impacts so much on social behaviour that adding good bacteria in guts can help humans. They can be used as anti-depressant instead of medicines. The whole perspective of emotions change since some connection between gut bacteria and human emotion is found.  So, the overall connection of body- the production of hormones and fitness impacts upon the emotional state of the brain not only the external factors.